Saturday, September 6, 2014


Chris and Jim spent some time @ a yurt that belongs to Chrises brother. (Looked at The Google to see how one pluralizes a name that ends in an "s". Chrises doesn't look right!) Anyway, Chris sent me some pictures and I want to share them with you.
The definition of "yurt": a circular tent of felt or skins on a collapsible framework, used by nomads
in Mongolia, Siberia and Turkey. Notice the words "collapsible" and "nomads". Guess what gets folded up and carried from place to place!
This yurt is made from canvas and I'm sure the brother doesn't haul it from place to place.
The yurt is in NE Tennessee near the town of Elizabethton in the Cherokee National Park. The
Appalachian Trail runs along the top of the ridge across the valley from the yurt.

This is the ridge I spoke of above.  Isn't this glorious scenery!
Jim and Chris are going back to see the Fall colors.
Won't that be a beautiful sight!

I'm sorry that this picture is so small.
(Guess what! I found a way to make the picture larger!)
The beige, round pointed-top structure is the yurt. 
It is well-stocked, with hot plate, micro-wave, toaster oven,
furniture, bedding, etc. It has everything you'd need to spend time there.
Chris told me what the other two building are but I've forgotten.
Probably one is for storage and I'm going to take a guess and say
the brown building is a deck.
This is Jim. Remember him, swaddled in a white
blanket @ Bill's on the river?
Now he is ready to take off for the mountains.
Doesn't he remind you of a Mongolian, 
without yurt on back? ☺

And, I think I'm right when I said the brown building was a deck.
Here sits Jim and Chris, enjoying the fantastic view.
The yurt is on the left.
If Chris sends me some pictures of the leaves, I'll add a P.S. to this blog.

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