Thursday, August 28, 2014


Three guys and a gal were invited to celebrate Bill's 72nd birthday at his cottage on the Grand River
outside Geneva, OH. We had a great time, good!! food, lots of laughs and wine and cigars and
vodka martinis. Here are some pics from that occasion.

The invitation said, "Dress casually" so Jim wore his
summer wrap! Really, Jim was a bit chilly so we
wrapped him up in a blanket.

Chris, our fabulous cook, wore a light jacket over his
casual shirt and jeans.

Bill chose jeans also, wore a dress shirt, untucked, and
left the tie @ home.

I wore my fancy head and face finery with tee shirt, jeans
and no bra. It was casual so I was not about to
put on a tight binding flopper stopper!

Jim is enjoying Bill's big back door deck.
The umbrella is for laughs! :-)

Bill's wonderful bowling ball garden!

Bill and I caught some rays. I was overdressed.
Soon after this pic was taken I shed the jacket.

One morning we went to a
restaurant in Geneva for breakfast.
Then to an antique store and a house sale.
Very little was bought.

On the way back Bill picked a bouquet of wildflowers,
came to the window and proposed to me.
"I want roses, not highway junk"! I screamed!
So he threw the bouquet at me.  

Bill and I headed back to Cleveland one day.
While there we visited the Christmas Story house.
The movie was filmed in part in Cleveland.
The house is open for tours. See the leg lamp?
If you have never seen this movie, get it! 
It is a classic! (P.S. I wore my bra.) 

It was a great 3 days with 3 great guys and a gal!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics, Judi. Have been waiting to see some new Blog posts. It looks like you all had such a wonderful time.
