Thursday, March 13, 2014


I was talking to Rebekah yesterday and was facing my west kitchen window. Suddenly something caught my eye - something big - something winged - something big and winged! I got up, walked to
the kitchen window and said to Rebekah, "My gosh! There's a HUGE bird sitting in the tree with it's
wings stretched out. He's just sitting there, wings outstretched"!!! Reb asked if it was a turkey vulture.
I didn't know if it was but googled it and that's what it looked like. It was hard for me to see if it had a
red head. Then I noticed the tree next to the one where the bird was perched and there were over a dozen birds perched in that tree. None had their wings out.
Now to try and solve this puzzle of the big birds. Why were they here? I have never seen them around
here before. I have seen them over centennial Road by the quarry but that's over 7 miles away. Then!
It struck me - the dumpster for Element 112!
Why would I think of the dumpster? A few weeks ago I saw a huge gathering of birds on and around the dumpster. It was hanging open because of too much garbage and not enough room. The birds were
eating high off the hog because Element 112 is a high end 5-star restaurant 2 buildings away from me.
I then noticed these birds on the ground near the dumpster, on the dumpster and in both the trees. I
grabbed my camera and took a lot of pictures. It was hard to see what I was snapping because the sun was in my face but I got a couple good ones. And here they are!

Sadly, these pics are not the best. It's hard to see them in the trees. The one on the

ground is the clearest. This one above is the best for showing how many were up in the trees.
Just never know what I'm going to find out my window!