Saturday, December 22, 2012


People have said to me that they don't want a computer,
or won't use their computer, because they don't have time to sit there all day. Well, I have never been in front of my computer ALL DAY, EVER!!
BUT..............I have a lot of fun with my laptop.
I want to share with you some places I go and things I see.
(I use my treadmill 6 or 7 days a week. I do my laundry, clean my house now and then, cook meals, do my dishes so I have no qualms about being at my laptop for a couple hours a day. Notice how I'm
Ok. The sites I go to are: - look at all the places an artist puts a BIG red ball. Makes you smile!
Google restaurants and enjoy reading the menus - makes your mouth water : element 112, Flemings,
Ruth Chris Steakhouse. Look at the prices! Woweewow!
Go to Youtube and check out these comedians : Jim Gaffigan (his "hot pockets" routine is a hoot!), Jeff Dunham and his weird puppets, George Carlin and Bill Cosby for LOL humor.
For those of us who are a bit older, empty your bladder before taking on the comedians.
If I went to all these sites at one time I WOULD be at this thing for quite a while. but, what the hell! I'm retired and allowed to use my time any way I want!

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