This is what the hoya bloom looks like when it first appears.
This is the second look at the blossom. Can you see the "stars"?
And here she is in all her glory! The stars have burst open!
A hoya doesn't bloom very often. I have had this plant for about 9 years
and she has bloomed only twice.
Back in the early 50's, when my high-school friends and I
were beyond our wedding and baby shower(s), (and back then the wedding shower
came BEFORE the baby shower!) a friend, Ann,
and I decided to get a group together and meet once a month.
We wanted to do this so we wouldn't lose touch with each other.
We called this "The Get-Together". We met in each other's homes once a
month, bringing our knitting, needlework, latest craft and, I remember one
lady who always filed and polished her nails. That lady was Alcy Smith Downing,
who had a huge hoya and gave me a shoot off her plant. I had the plant, gave a shoot
to sister, Joan, Joan gave a shoot to sister Susi and Susi gave a shoot back to me
because my first plant disappeared. plant is a great, great, great granddaugher of Alcy's plant.
Incidentally, Alcy died in 1990 at the age of 57. What a shame!
We gathered for over 34 years, the group that started with 14-16 women
and ended with 5 women. Those were the days, my friend, I thought they'd never end.........♬